Give: hope

Serve: those in need

Change: a life

About us

The first and foremost goal of our organization is to assist the body of Yahshua throughout the world making a difference in as many people's lives as possible. We are committed to serving the believers in Yahshua and promoting His Kingdom coming to this earth. 

Visit our About page to learn more.
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Learn more about our Kenya Orphan Relief Program and how you can give to children who need it today.


Being called to serve? Join us on one of our mission trips or sponsor someone you know to go.


Develop your personal and spiritual growth through one of our conferences & events.

Acoustic Worship 

Reach For Yahweh is a proud supporter of Shalom Studios which has produced two worship albums and has worked with artists across the country recording and producing worship music. 

Shalom Assembly
of Yahweh

Reach For Yahweh is currently based and operates out of Shalom Assembly of Yahweh located in Sterling, IL.

Family Builders Conference

FBC is an annual event sponsored by Reach For Yahweh and several other assemblies of Yahweh geared towards strengthening and equipping families for our constantly changing culture.

Medical/Dental 2024 Highlight Video

We had an amazing trip Spring 2024 with our Dental/Medical Mission! We had such an incredible team and saw Yahweh work with His people in amazing ways. Click down below to view more media.
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